Stories from the Midnight City
Story Index + Cast of Characters + Illustrations + Blog + Shop
This list is in rough order of appearance.

Bob Sparker: Bob Sparker is a game show host who runs one of the most popular programs in town, "Shock 'Til You Drop." He takes a contestant, straps them in his electric chair and goes to town! The higher the voltage they can withstand, the more money and prizes they win. Years of testing the chair on-air has given him a huge tolerance for shock, and in fact he eats it up like coffee. Don't try this at home, kids. (First appearance: Shock 'Til You Drop)

Alice Lang: "Pale and unsteady," Alice Lang is one of Bob Sparker's less fortunate contestants. You can't fault her for playing the game right: she does indeed shock 'til she drops. (First appearance: Shock 'Til You Drop)

Percy King: Percy King is the head of Top Tier Electric Co., the brain and backbone of the city, and as such, he's treated like the royalty he is. Percy has his fingers in a lot of pies: aside from running the electric company, he also manages their TV network, TTTV, and their subsidiary Zap! Entertainment. He does his best to keep the town ticking and keep his stars happy. After all, how can anything be wrong is everyone is happy? (First appearance: Shock 'Til You Drop)

Sam Gale: Samuel Gale (Sam for short) is a junior foreman at the electric company, in charge of keeping up part of the town's generators. He's an old classmate of Bob Sparker's, and when Sam sees him on TV, he has the brilliant idea to catch up with Bob after all those years. "I liked him," Sam reassures the reader, "for the most part." (First appearance: Bad Memories)

Kelly "Cowboy" Kim: Kelly Kim is a radio star who lives on the outskirts of 2-3, the level right below the top tier. With a soft voice and a kind heart, Kelly Kim has enchanted generations of listeners with his shows Cowboy Kim's Radio Rodeo and its darker, more dramatic sibling, Cowboy Kim's Tales of the West. (First appearance: Kim Meets Cottonmouth)

Cottonmouth: Bob Sparker plays the role of this heartless villain on Radio Rodeo and Tales of the West. Cottonmouth is a hired hand who makes his living as a highwayman, a mercenary, a hitman, a spy, and anything else that strikes his fancy. And fancy he is--he spends his filthy lucre on fine wine and fine clothes for his solitary home in Viper Valley. (First appearance: Kim Meets Cottonmouth)

Margaret King: If Percy is the king, then Margaret's the princess. She's heiress to Top Tier, but spends most of her time as a liaison between the main company and Zap! Entertainment. Her work brings her in close contact with all kinds of celebrities, and she's extremely good at managing them. She's generous and kind, but also fiercely protective of her friends, and she's quick to temper because of it. She's Bob Sparker's bestie, and, being bigger and tougher than him, often defends him from larger predators. (First appearance: Bob Sparker in Hospital)

Dr. Eustace Flask: The "Healer to the Stars," as he's called, hates Electricopolis and everyone who lives in it, especially his A-list clientele, who often sacrifice their health for their fame. He's Bob Sparker's personal doctor, and is in close contact with Percy King. Margaret, however, dislikes him intensely. (First appearance: Bob Sparker in Hospital)

J. Jam: Jam is a musician, singer, writer, talent scout, and community activist for Electricopolis' underground. He's serious and dedicated to his work, and, like Dr. Flask, has a dim view of almost everyone else in the entertainment business. However, he's very close to Bob and Margaret, and rounds out their trio by keeping them grounded and reminding them to actually look before they leap. (First appearance: Voice on the Radio)

Miss Information: With a wicked laugh and a voice like velvet, this mystery woman rules the midnight airwaves. Her radio show spreads all kinds of gossip, falsehoods and half-truths, ensuring Miss Information lives up to her name. (First appearance: Voice on the Radio)

Paulina Sweet: Paulina Sweet is the head of security for the Paradise Hotel, an eclectic and beautiful hotel that triples as an arboretum and a nightclub. She keeps an extremely close eye on everything that goes on in Paradise--and she has eyes everywhere. (First appearance: Bob Sparker in Paradise)

Speed Demon: A mysterious, hostile speedster who drives along the roads encircling the town. Woe betide anyone unlucky enough to get caught in their headlights... (First appearance: Speed Demon)